
Swedish suppliers and DHC operators are very innovative, usually first movers in new business models and technology. SweHeat and Cooling support orchestration of collaboration between multiple actors – innovation ecosystems. Swedish DHC-systems are operating in a very competitive market, far from protected monopolies, leading to low prices and customer focus. Procurement is wide open for international competition, which make consultants ant technology providers streamlined and efficient.

Sustainable Heating & Cooling
Sustainable Heating and Cooling is a joint initiative by Sweden Energy Agency, Business Sweden (embassies) and SweHeat and Cooling. The aim is to accelerate transformation of heating and cooling systems to low CO2 emissions and higher security of energy supply.

SAM Smart Asset Management
SAM is a concept to improve existing DHC networks and the expansion of those systems. The key performance indicator is to improve Return On Capital Employed (ROCE), which is done by increased revenues, lower operating costs (OPEX) and lower capital expenditures (CAPEX). It is in line with ISO 55000 asset management.
It is based on a 4-step continuous improvement cycle (below), resulting in lower fuels cost, losses, failure risks, capital reinvestments.

4-step improvement cycle in SAM
Predict Condition
Understand the condition of all assets, for instance pipe network. Predictive maintenance is based on condition monitoring and preventive actions "just in time".
Optimize the entire system, from fuel supply, heat production, distribution, heat transfer and flexible use. Do not use more than needed and minimize losses.
Selective Repair
Refurbish, repair, replace minimum, only defect components or sections. Maximise service life time.
Expand Utilization
Capture and distribute more energy with existing infrastructure, assets. By systematically lowering system temperatures, more dispersed small scale surplus heat can be reused. Maximum energy content from fuel is transformed to heat and power.

TermoNet combines the best from DH, DC, geothermal boreholes and front-end connected heat pumps in networks.
Sweden introduced heat pumps in the 1980s. There are about 100 large heat pumps and electric boilers (peak shaving) in the DH-systems. Since decades, DH operators compete with heat pumps owned by buildings owners, with growing collaboration. Sweden has about 60% DH and 30% individual heat pumps (see diagram below), which is among the highest in the world. The electric capacity demand (MW) is up to three times higher in winter than in summer. Experience and research indicate that the electric capacity and the geothermal source is insufficient for entire implementation of individual heat pumps. DH has an important role as dominating urban heat source. There are several installations in Sweden of the new generations, 4 GDH and 5 GDHC, with a variety of configurations. In TermoNet we worked with two sites, combining:
+DH is capturing and redistributing low temp surplus heat (as low as 20 dgr C).
+Geothermal boreholes deliver free comfort cooling in summer, and store heat, from DH the rest of the year.
+Local heat pump customize heat "just enough".
The experience show that heat pumps SCOP can be double in DH-connected networks. The 5 GDHC configuration is also favorable for the DH-operator who could define heat supply, in time, in temperature and in voume, which is important sector coupling for CHP and peak power supply.
TermoNet can be applied on transformation of existing DH-networks as well as establishing new systems.

BIHES BalticSea Innovative Hybrid Energy Systems
BIHES is a collaboration between key actors in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine, aiming at improving existing biomass-based DH but also support transformation to hybrid systems, as described in TermoNet. Many DH operators in our countries are exposed to strained fuel supply and a challenging transformation. SI Sweden Institute is supporting the initiative.